Here are some ways to effectively prepare to conduct a practical evaluation:

  • Ensure there is no perceived or actual conflict of interest.
  • Familiarize yourself with the skill sheets/performance checklists being used.
  • Inspect the station, facilities and/or equipment to ensure availability, functionality and safety.
  • Ensure candidates understand exactly what they will be tested on (e.g., ensure candidates have been provided with skill sheets to review in advance).
  • Be sure to adhere to evaluator scripts where these have been provided.
  • Answer any immediate questions candidates may have.
  • Outline expectations around testing confidentiality and process (e.g., reinforce the need for other candidates being evaluated to absent themselves from the test site until it is their turn to be evaluated).

The following video demonstrates a JIBC evaluator preparing to conduct and then continuing to conduct a practical skills evaluation.

As you can see, the evaluator is taking great care to ensure the equipment is in safe and good working order.

This video also shows a JIBC evaluator getting prepared to conduct (and then conducting) a practical skills evaluation.

What steps do you see the evaluator taking?