
What is evaluation of learning?

According to JIBC’s Evaluation of Learning Policy (policy #3302), “Evaluation of learning is the measurement of student learning and performance in relation to stated Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC) learning outcomes” (JIBC, 2015). This involves ensuring that students are informed about the learning objectives of a course (typically via a course outline or syllabus) and the methods that will be used to evaluate their learning.

In this course, for instance, it is expected that you learn how to do the following:

  1. Recognize the relationship between accreditation, certification and evaluation of learning;
  2. Adhere to JIBC policy, procedures and Fire & Safety Division Accreditation Operational Guidelines;
  3. Evaluate students’ practical skills;
  4. Administer and proctor written exams; and
  5. Grade and provide feedback on students’ participation, projects and assignments.

If you wish to become a certified JIBC evaluator following course completion, the Fire & Safety Division (FSD) will need to determine the extent to which you have met these intended learning outcomes. Evaluation will be the mechanism that we use.