Policy #3205 Student Code of Conduct 

While JIBC evaluators must be familiar with relevant Institute policies and procedures, JIBC students also need to be familiar with the policies and procedures with which they are expected to comply. These include Policy #3205, which is our Student Code of Conduct, and Policy #3207, which is our policy on Student Academic Integrity.

It is imperative for JIBC evaluators to uphold academic integrity, which involves being mindful of student academic misconduct.

Here is how JIBC defines student academic misconduct:

“Student Academic Misconduct means student or applicant dishonesty in any aspect of application, learning, evaluation or research, including but not limited to the following:

(a)  Plagiarism, which includes, but is not limited to, presenting the ideas or works of another person as one’s own or using another person’s work without proper attribution. It includes submitting work done in whole or in part by another person and/or presenting another person’s ideas or theories in one’s own words, within academic work, without referencing the source, or failure to properly cite material from the internet.

(b)  Cheating in examinations or assignments, which includes, but is not limited to, dishonest or attempted dishonest conduct at tests or examinations, such as copying or attempting to copy another person’s answer on an examination, bringing unauthorized materials into an examination, communicating with another person during an examination without permission, writing an examination or paper for another person or allowing another person to write an examination for oneself, or submitting a paper written by another person. It also includes unauthorized or unacknowledged collaboration on a take-home assignment and examination or project, submitting work prepared for one course as part of assignments for another course without the authorization of the instructor, and fabricating data for research projects including listing non-utilized sources in a bibliography.

(c)  Educational Misconduct which includes, but is not limited to, unauthorized use of JIBC educational materials. It includes obtaining or viewing an assessment process or exam prior to its administration or providing unauthorized prior knowledge or viewing of examinations to another individual.

It is not unheard of for JIBC evaluators to encounter rare instances of plagiarism, cheating or educational misconduct. Project or assignment-based evaluation is particularly vulnerable.

In the event that you personally observe a student committing an act that lacks integrity, or receive a third-party report to that affect, you must advise your Program Manager or Coordinator as soon as possible. He or she will work with you to address the issue in an appropriate and timely manner. It is imperative that you communicate this information as soon as possible so that proper JIBC processes can be followed.