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How to Use the Marking Rubrics

A rubric is a tool that clearly indicates marking criteria. It can be used for marking assignments, class participation, discussion board posts or overall grades. On the following pages, you’ll find example rubrics for various components of a course that could be assessed. Each course varies in the breadth of assessment components.

Please feel free to include any additional comments to a learner that do not fit within the rubric’s criteria. Once you have reviewed the component using the rubric, you will decide upon a final grade for the component based on the rubric.

Rubric Examples

Class participation is an important aspect of this course. Learners are expected to offer comments, questions, and replies to the discussion questions. It is expected that learners make an initial post on the discussion board and also respond as appropriate to your fellow learners’ postings.

Postings will be evaluated on the quality of the postings and the degree that the postings promote discussion with classmates. Each discussion is worth 3 points.

0 points 1 point 2 points

3 points

Learner did not post in the discussion forum.

Learner has provided a minimal response to the discussion question. Learner responds to the question but does not stimulate further class discussion.

Learner fully addresses the question and stimulates at least one substantial follow-up posting.

Class participation is an important aspect of this course. Learners are expected to offer comments, questions, and replies to the discussion questions. It is expected that learners make an initial post on the discussion board and also respond as appropriate to your fellow learners’ postings.

Postings will be evaluated on the quality of the postings and the degree that the postings promote discussion with classmates. Each discussion is worth 5 points.


Promptness Initial Posting Content Response Posting Content Grammar and Spelling. Formatting, Syntax & Word Choice Contribution to Learning Community
0 Posts after the discussion period is over, does not express original ideas No posts and/or irrelevant remarks; not related to assignment, no citations, no references, no examples when required No post/or irrelevant remarks, not related to the assignment, no citations or references, no examples Poor spelling and grammar in posts, syntax and word choice are a barrier No effort to participate in the learning community
1-2 points Initial post very late, expresses limited originality Less than average quality posts, little insight into the assignment topic, few citations or references Less than average quality posts, little or modes insight, few citations or references, few examples Errors in spelling and grammar evidenced in several posts, little to the understanding of posts Little to occasional meaningful participation in the learning community
3-4 points Initial posts compresses response posting time, expresses selected originality or inference Average to substantial posts, related to topic, prompts responses, good citations & references, good examples when required Average to substantial posts, related to topic, prompts responses, good citations & references, good examples Few grammatical or spelling errors in posts, syntax and word choice contribute to the understanding Occasional to frequent attempts to direct the discussion and to present relevant viewpoints Extra Credit up to 3 points
5 points Timely initial and Response posts with original ideas and inferences Consistently substantial, related, reflective, supportive, challenging posts, strong citations & references, strong examples Consistently substantial, related, reflective, supportive, challenging, strong citations & references, strong examples Grammatically correct, no misspelling, consistently superior syntax and word choice with strong expression Consistently aware of the needs of the learning community, motivates group discussions, presents creative approaches Multiple new ideas, directs discussion to advanced learning level

Journal entries are created by learners to reflect on what they have learned from the course as well as display their critical thinking skills. Journal entries will be evaluated on learners providing a fulsome answer while exploring as many possible facets to the questions provided. Learners will earn minimal points by providing brief answers to the questions and will earn higher marks for fully exploring the questions and providing not only an in-depth answer, but also points for the instructor to consider.


0 points 1 point 2 points

3 points

Learner did not make a journal entry. Learner has provided a minimal answer. Learner has provided 2 points to the question. Learner has provided 2 or more points to the question and provides insightful questions or comments to the instructor.

Assignment 1: Dealing with a Conflict Situation

Think of a real situation within the past couple of years when you experienced a conflict situation. This situation could have been between yourself and another person or may have involved two other individuals whom you observed in a conflict situation.

Prepare a written report describing the situation, the result of the conflict and what you would do now to resolve the conflict if it were to happen again.

The report must include:

  1. A detailed description of the conflict situation (victim, hero, villain), including a description of how this situation played out using the Conflict Arousal Cycle (trigger, escalation, etc.).
  2. A description of the result of the conflict situation including your preferred conflict style and the perceived conflict styles of the other individuals and how they impacted the initial result.
  3. A detailed approach that you would use to resolve the conflict situation if it were to happen again (using input from conflict unit materials, styles, handouts, models, etc.)

Your response to this assignment should draw from a variety of resources from the course content, attachments/handouts, and your assigned text, if appropriate. Remember to include a bibliography appropriately citing all sources of information.

Content/Key Points:
0/5 Detailed description of conflict situation using conflict materials.

0/5 Description of the result of the conflict situation (Conflict Styles, etc.).

0/10    A detailed approach that you would use to resolve the conflict situation if it were
to happen again (using course materials, handouts, models, etc.)

Total: ____ /20

Writing Style:

  1. Spelling
  2. Punctuation
  3. Grammar
  4. Sentence Structure
  5. Length
  6. Formatting (quotation marks, references/bibliography)


Total: ____/5                                                                                                                                      


Overall Expression of Thoughts:

  1. Overall Expression of Thoughts
  2. Personal examples/experience, etc.
  3. Reference to course materials

Total: ____/5

Total Grade: _____/30 = _______ %